Dusk on Hendaye plage

January 2011 – Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70cm

This is the last painting I have finished just in time for my exhibition which opens tomorrow in Zuloaga Etxea, Hondarribia. Hondarribia is the town situated opposite Hendaye Plage at the point where the river Bidasoa meets the sea. The river marks the national boundary between France & Spain. Hondarribia has a very beautiful & interesting old part. You can see a few photos related to the exhibition & the wonderful building it’s in, on the seperate page at the top (Hondarribia expo).

Crepusculo en Hendaia playa

Este es el ultimo cuadro que he realizado justo antes de exponer mañana en Zuloaga Etxea , Hondarribia. Se puede ver unas fotos del expo en la pagina que se encuentra arriba (Hondarribia expo).

Crépuscule à Hendaye plage

Voici le dernier tableau que j’ai réalisé avant l’ouverture de mon exposition demain à Zuloaga Etxea, Fontarribie. Vous pourriez voir quelques photos dans la page qui se trouve en haut (Hondarribia expo).

14 thoughts on “Dusk on Hendaye plage

  1. What a glorious painting Sonya! Love the sense of space, the reflections and the richness of the colours. That steely blue grey in the foreground really brings out the colours of the cliff & rocks.

  2. Thank-you very much Sarah. I love the sense of space you get on the beach especially at this time of the year; On the past couple of Sundays I’ve seen someone riding a horse along the beach which looks like a lovely thing to do.

  3. This is all so beautiful – the vastness you capture in the painting the story about the rider on the horse.

    Your exhibition looks great – I hope many people grant themselves the priviledge of coming to look at your work.

    • Thank-you – I think I must be searching for serenity sometimes! I feel a bit busy lately – not enough time for anything – I guess that’s a pretty normal state for most of us though!

  4. Curious. I scrolled down to this from your header and at first thought, “she’s posting photos now?” then realised as the rest of the image came into view that it’s one of your beautiful paintings.

    You always manage to capture a mood so well, Sonya. Lovely.

    How did the exhibition go or, if it’s still going, how’s it going? Good luck with that if it’s still running.

  5. Thank-you again. I think they sometimes look a bit more like this when they are reduced & on a screen, though of course if you enlarge them you can see more of the details of the actual paint.

    The exhibition has finished, it was only for 2 weeks, but I’m very happy with how it went.

  6. Good luck with your exhibition in Zuloaga Etxea, although I doubt you’ll need luck if this is anything to go by. If I was to try and tell you what I like about this painting, I might be here all night. You’re so good at what you do, trying to take apart the aspects of this painting don’t teach me how it works. The blue shadow in the sea controls me, the huge sky has so much colour. Reflections and the horizon, boy I’m unworthy even to pass comment!

    • Thank-you Keith – sorry I only just realised your comment was here. Am getting very bad at keeping up with blogs & feel constantly tired & a lack of time.
      Please don’t say that you’re “unworthy” of anything!!

  7. Your composition is just amazing, i really love the wide open space, the sea and the reflection. It’s make one feel so calm and hunble at the same time. Amazing painting.

  8. Luminous and lush Sonya. You have captured light, mood and feeling. No mean feat but wonderfully done in the hand of someone as skilled as you. Congratulations on the exhibition.

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